After four years of what seem like the best years of my life, but also worst, I cannot talk about how much I've grown without recognizing the huge part SJA played in that. If I was to go back & see my 15 year old self I wouldn't recognize her. Freshman year might have taken a toll on my GPA, as well as my social life, but it set me up for my future. I know what to avoid and most importantly learned the importance of respect. Sophomore year came and went but what really stands out to me is the fact that I can pinpoint the exact moment I realized what I want to spend my life doing. After being a part of Diversity Club for a second year I learned the importance of diversity, eqality, and respect, and finally started to apply that to my life. Junior year, probably my best academic year, came with its difficulties, but also with a new outlook on life. I believe that year I truly “ found myself ” and started to actually be a good person. Odd I know. I forced myself to live as my true unique self, not some computer programmed cloned young woman. Senior year has been a blur but probably the best year of high school. I am the person my 15 year old self would look up to and I hope to keep it up.

Favorite Classes

Rank of ClassClass NameClass Teacher
1 Death and Dying Mr. Jendraszak
2 Algebra 2 Mr. Stein
3 Web Publishing Mrs. Siegel
4 Social Justice Mr. Jendraszak
5 Government and Politics Mrs. Morgan